This year I made Christmas cards together with the girls. The initial plan was for Christmas cards with buttons, but we got a bit more creative and used lots of different staff. Buttons, paper clips, beads, pearls, sequins and glitter stars were in motion.
I try to involve kids in more and more DIY projects because it is a great way to spend time together and it stimulates children’s creativity.
Polska wersja: Kartki bożonarodzeniowe z guzikami, spinaczami, cekinami i koralikami.

- White card
- Ruler
- Pencil
- Eraser
- Scissors
- Glue
- Buttons
- Paper clips
- Beads
- Glitter stars
- Merry Christmas wishes
Preparing the base of the card
The first step is to cut the sheet to the desired size and fold it in half. Our original format was A4 from a watercolor pad, so first I cut the paper in half and then folded it in half.
Then I sketched the shape of a triangle. The tip in the middle about 2 cm from the top of the card. Base approximately 3 cm from the bottom and 2.5 cm from the sides of the page.

Finally, I gently rub the pencil with an eraser so that the shape is barely visible. The children had some problems with it and it was hard for them to keep in shape, but we managed to do it together.

How to make Christmas cards with buttons?
We started with a design to try different materials and color versions.

The next step is to glue all the elements. We used universal glue because it becomes transparent when dry.

The final step is to stick the wishes. To make it easier for you, we have prepared several versions for download and printing.

Christmas cards with buttons, paper clips, sequins and beads are ready and are waiting to be sent to the family and friends.

Check out our ideas
If you’re looking for more ideas for Christmas decorations, you’ll find them in the Christmas section.
If you are looking for more creative activities for kids check our DIY with kids section.
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Nothing gives more satisfaction than doing something yourself. I haven’t even thought about DIY as my hobby, I’ve just done different “projects” when it was needed. Sometimes it’s a disguise for the Masquerade Party in kindergarten. Another time, cutting out the pumpkin and baking the witch’s fingers for Haloween. Or simply organizing holiday souvenirs. Now I decided to share my realizations with you. Let’s go it together!
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