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Nothing gives more satisfaction than doing something yourself. I haven’t even thought about DIY as my hobby, I’ve just done different “projects” when it was needed. Sometimes it’s a disguise for the Masquerade Party in kindergarten. Another time, cutting out the pumpkin and baking the witch’s fingers for Haloween. Or simply organizing holiday souvenirs. Now I decided to share my realizations with you. Let’s go it together!
I have been passionate about DIY since my childhood, and my innate patience and accuracy make the whole process of creation a lot easier for me and that gives me a lot of satisfaction and pleasure. When I was pregnant with the first child I started to learn sewing. Currently I try to sew during my limited (because of two small children) free time, mainly kids’ clothes. Recently, I have learned how to crochet from yt. This blog is like a drawer for my work, that I will be remember in the future ☺️