Category: Summer

pressed flower jar lantern

How to make pressed flower jar lantern

We already have autumn 🍁 and winter ❄️ lanterns in our portfolio. It turns out that this does not exhaust all the possibilities offered by jar lanterns 🫙🕯. This time we present the spring-summer version>>>

How to make wooden board with dried flowers

How to make wooden board with dried flowers

The inspiration for wooden board with dried flowers has been around for some time, but I never had a good board at hand. Until now, when among the wooden discs we also got two plywood>>>

My summer holidays

My summer holidays – free download

With with first day at school I have an activity My summer holidays 📜☀️😎. In specially prepared frames you can write or draw your best holiday memory 🏕, favorite summer delicacy, funniest joke heard this>>>

Shadow box frame with souvenirs

Shadow box frame with souvenirs

Now, when after the summer we are charged with holiday energy, it is worth taking care of preserving holiday memories. When it’s rainy and foggy outside the window, and the day is short, we will>>>

How to make pressed flowers art?

Pressed flowers art is our next floral project this spring. The picture is incredibly beautiful and it’s hard to believe that it was created during one lesson by 20 first graders 😁. Polska wersja: Jak>>>

How to make card with pressed flowers

How to make a card with pressed flowers

Sometimes it takes really little to create something cool and original. A natural card with pressed flowers is a perfect example of this 😁. Polska wersja: Naturalna kartka z suszonymi kwiatkami You will need Pressed>>>