Category: For him

Never ending card for a teacher

How to make a never ending card

The never ending card is totally magical and awsome. You can watch it and rewind it, rewind it and watch it and never get bored. Amazing every time. How it’s working? How is this even>>>

How to make Father's Day gift bag

How to make Father’s Day gift bag

We present a cool idea for wrapping a gift for dad. This is a shirt and tie gift bag made from a lunch bag and a piece of ribbon 👔🎁. You can put any small>>>

The Monster Book of Monsters

How to make The Monster Book of Monsters

The Monster Book of Monsters is a real treasure for Harry Potter fans. I’ve been thinking about creating it for a long time, but I couldn’t find the right elements. Until now 🙂 In the>>>

How to make button art

How to make button art

This is our second button project, the first was a big red heart for Valentine’s Day. This time we had a lot of black buttons at our disposal, so we decided on monochrome designs with>>>

Diamond painting - how to start

How to start with diamond painting?

Our adventure with diamond painting began with a gift. We got two patterns, a dog smeared with paint and dolphins against the setting sun, and lots of accessories. And so we began to discover how>>>

Button heart

Red button heart – Valentine’s Day gift

Red button heart is the idea for the Valentine’s Day gift . You don’t need much to make a great Valentine’s Day gift . Polska wersja: Serce z guzików – walentynka XXL You will need>>>