'Apron queen' picture out of Hama beads - handmade gift idea

How to make Hama beads gift

Arranging beads has become our weekend tradition, thanks to which a lot of small and large works were created 🙂 A particularly cool feature of bead designs is the possibility of personalizing the pictures, making it a nice gift idea. Therefore, when we took part in the exchange of craftsmen and we were to create a gift for Agnieszka from Sielskie Anielskie, the choice fell on the picture made of Hama beads. Agnieszka is also known as the queen of aprons because she sews real miracles 🤩

🇵🇱 Wersja po polsku: Pomysł na prezent z koralików Hama

Dress like apron by Sielskie Anielskie

Supplies for the Hama beads picture

  • An idea for a pattern or template. When looking for templates, it’s best to visit Pinterest’s cross stitch pattern database. Our pattern comes from Pinterest .
  • Hama beads – the more colors the better, because then you can get a shading effect and the picture becomes more natural.
  • Square pads for connecting – we only have 4, so we had to flex a little and create the image in parts.
  • Iron
  • Hot glue
  • Frame or board (we used 0.5 mm plywood)

Hama beads gift idea

Preparations for making a bead gift need to start with conceptual work. First of all, think about the interests of the person you are creating for. Then look for a cross stitch pattern in the selected theme. You can find a lot of patterns on Pinterest when searching for “cross stitch pattern”.

The next step is arranging the image out of the beads. For large projects, it is worthwhile to divide the work into stages and do it together with the kids😁

Family perler bead activity
Tailor image out of perler beads

Hama beads letters

The problem with the letters made of beads is that you have to create them in a mirror image so that the inscription is correct after ironing. On the other hand, in a mirror image it is difficult to create captions. My way out of this stalemate is that I put the letters “normally”. Then I place the second board carefully and turn it upside down. In this way, on the second board I get a mirror image ready for ironing.

Hama bead letters
Mirror Hama beads letters
Mirror Hama beads letters

Finishing hama bead image

After ironing all the elements, stick them on the frame, board or plywood. It is best to use hot glue for sticking.

Ironing of perler beads
All elements for 'Apron queen' picture out of Hama beads

Hama beads gift is ready 🙂

Apron queen out of Hama beads

Check out our ideas

If you are looking for more Hama beads patterns and inspirations check our Hama beads section.

You can find more DIY decoration ideas in our decorations section.

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