I thought about the Christmas bauble from pom poms last year, but it was only during this year’s Christmas workshops at my daughter’s school that I decided to make it 😁. Actually, I made them with the whole class of firstgraders 😉
Polska wersja: Bombka z pomponów – idealna na warsztaty świąteczne
Suppplies needed for Christmas bauble from pom poms
- Styrofoam ball with a diameter of 4 cm
- Acrylic pompoms with a diameter of 2 cm – as a guideline I will add that children like the shiny ones the most. You need about 24 pom poms per bauble.
- Pendant for polystyrene baubles – makes work much easier
- Glue – version for children. Glue itself is too weak when still wet, so you need to additionally fix the pom poms with pins.
- Pins – in the version for children, I’ve been doing with children 5-7 years and they had no problems using in pins. I took out the pins with colored heads after the glue had dried, and left the metal ones.
- Hot glue – in the adult version, then pins will not be needed.

How to make a Christmas bauble from pom poms
- Screw in the hook and attach the string – I did this step myself, the rest were done by the children 😉
- Brush part of the polystyrene ball with glue and stick the pom pom.
- Secure the pom pom with a pin.
- Continue sticking the pom poms on until the ball is full.
- Let dry.
- Take out the pins with the colored heads. The metal ones are almost invisible so they can stay.
The Christmas bauble from pom poms is ready
Check out our ideas
If you are looking for more DIY Christmas ideas, you can find them in the Christmas section.
Advent calendars tutorials are here. We also check ideas for activities for the advent calendar which you can download and print.
Ideas for Christmas cards you will find here.
Ideas for Christmas tree ornaments are here.
All other DIY ideas for Christmas, including potato stamps or gift tags are available here.
However, if you are looking for more inspiration for playing with children, you can find them in the section DIY with kids.
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Nothing gives more satisfaction than doing something yourself. I haven’t even thought about DIY as my hobby, I’ve just done different “projects” when it was needed. Sometimes it’s a disguise for the Masquerade Party in kindergarten. Another time, cutting out the pumpkin and baking the witch’s fingers for Haloween. Or simply organizing holiday souvenirs. Now I decided to share my realizations with you. Let’s go it together!