Today I come to the aid of all those who plan to make an Advent calendar for their child by themselves and prefer an activity-based form. I admit that I will be doing it myself for the first time. It’s time when my older child grew up a bit and she is already able to understand meaning of those Advent Calendar activities 🙂
In today’s post I am going to share with you a list of ideas for Advent Calendar activities. Additionally, you can download and print a blank template and check out yourself.
Polska wersja: Pomysły na zadania do kalendarza adwentowego – pobierz i wydrukuj

Advent calendar activities template

Advent Calendar activities ideas
- Write or draw a letter to Santa.
- Bake and decorate Christmas cookies.
- Gift Christmas cookies to your neighbors.
- Prepare a gingerbread house with your family.
- Prepare Christmas cards for your family and friends.
Our ideas for Christmas cards
- Make the Christmas tree paper chain.
- Make Christmas tree ornaments.
Our ideas for Christmas tree ornaments
- Decorate the Christmas tree with your family.
- Send prepared Christmas cards.
- Learn to sing Christmas carol (easier version: listening and sing Christmas carols).
- Help by cleaning up your room.
- Collect toys you no longer play with and give them back to those in need. You will do a good deed and a place for gifts from Santa Claus 🙂
- Give a book or a board game to the library.
- Go for an evening walk to admire Christmas decorations.
- Take your family to the Christmas market.
- Help make a bird feeder and prepare seeds for the birds.
- Take the family Christmas photo.
- Help your mother dry orange and grapefruit slices to decorate the Christmas tree and the house for Christmas.
- Decorate your room’s window (e.g. with artificial snow or gel stickers)
- Prepare gifts for your grandparents.
- Have a movie session with your family.
- Create a rhyme about Christmas.
- Draw a Christmas tree with decorations.
- Read a book about Christmas.
- Learn about Christmas customs in other countries.
- Prepare and drink hot chocolate with your family.
- Call someone in your family you haven’t talked to for a long time.
- Bake traditional Christmas cake with your family.
- Prepare and give a thank you card for your teacher.
- Say something nice to your sister or brother.
- Give candy canes to your friends.
- Prepare a bookmark and give to the librarian.
- Help to make and hang a Christmas wreath on the door.
- Look for pinecones and make decorations for the Christmas table.
- Help wrap Christmas gifts.
- Learn to say “Merry Christmas” in several languages.
- Make a Christmas lantern.
- Solve a Christmas crossword puzzle.
- Compose a Christmas playlist.
DIY Advent Calendar ideas:
If you do not have an idea for making an Advent Calendar alone, I encourage you to look at the following posts:
Numbers for the Advent Calendar
Check out our ideas
Check our ideas for advent calendars DIY. For sure you will find one for yourself.
If you’re looking for more ideas for Christmas decorations, you’ll find them in the Christmas section.
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Nothing gives more satisfaction than doing something yourself. I haven’t even thought about DIY as my hobby, I’ve just done different “projects” when it was needed. Sometimes it’s a disguise for the Masquerade Party in kindergarten. Another time, cutting out the pumpkin and baking the witch’s fingers for Haloween. Or simply organizing holiday souvenirs. Now I decided to share my realizations with you. Let’s go it together!
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