autumn algorithms for preschoolers

Autumn algorithms for preschoolers

The first steps in the learning of algorithms can be made in kindergarten. Kids can develop skills of logical thinking and constructing algorithms via games. Our autumn algorithms are suitable for children from 4 to 6 years old.


The aim is to bring forest animals to their food. The child’s task is to fill in a separate column with the sequence of steps that the animal has to make to get the reward. Kids can do it themselves by drawing the arrow in the right direction or by sticking arrows (they are on the last page in the printable materials).

Initially, the child will need your help. When he catches it, he will not only write algorithms independently, but also draw new labyrinths.


I prepared ready-to-print materials. There are 6 algorithms. At the beginning they are very simple and provide an introduction to more complex ones that come later.

Download and print the materials. Cut out the arrows from the last page.

Explain the rules and help your kid with the first algorithms.

Later, you can create new mazes and algorithms together with your child.

Materials inspired by Course 1 from the website. I encourage you to take a look there because there are many nice exercises both unplugged and on tablet.

Check out our ideas

You can find more coded materials in our section Coding for kids.

If you are looking for more ideas for playing with children, then you will find them in the DIY with children section.

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