Spring is just around the corner, so the cycling season is about to start. If, like me, you have bought an used boy bike, and you have a daughter, you have no choice. Pimp a bike for a girl in an easy and cheap way and together with your child.
Attention! Before you start tuning the bike, make sure that it’s technical state is good. Check the brakes, tires, condition of the chain. Install the front and rear lights. Quoting Dora – girls’ idol: “The most important thing is to be safe” 🙂
Polska wersja: Odpimpuj rower dla dziewczynki
When the technical condition no longer raises any doubts you can dive into decorating. I admit that part of tuning I based on ready-made artifacts: green rubber handles and pink ribbons. Of course, you can do the ribbons yourself, but we got ours from grandma 🙂
- Self-adhesive glitter paper
- Decorative hole punch – I have a big heart, about 1,5 inch. However, any universal shape will suit, for example star, circle or flower. It is important that the shape is not very detailed, because paper is more like a foil and a hole punch may have problems with cutting out detailed shapes.
- Scissors – optional, they are useful for cutting out smaller, additional shapes.
Pimp a bike for a girl
Producing the decorations is very simple. You just need to cut a lot of stickers in several colors. In addition, you can cut with additional shapes from wastes.
Now only sticking the hearts, wherever you can 🙂 It has to be super colorful. I encourage you to do it together with your child, not only because children love stickers, but also because they can make the relationship with their new bike and they can was proud of its new, girlish appearance.
Congratulations! Girlish bike is ready, now give it a ride.
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Nothing gives more satisfaction than doing something yourself. I haven’t even thought about DIY as my hobby, I’ve just done different “projects” when it was needed. Sometimes it’s a disguise for the Masquerade Party in kindergarten. Another time, cutting out the pumpkin and baking the witch’s fingers for Haloween. Or simply organizing holiday souvenirs. Now I decided to share my realizations with you. Let’s go it together!