Awesome handprint flower for the Teacher

Awesome handprint flower for a teacher

In Poland the National Education Day aka the Teacher’s Day is about to come (on the 14th of October). So the question returns what to give teachers on their day. We do not like to go the easy way, so again we decided to go for a DIY group gift so that each child could contribute. This year’s idea is a handprint flower, where each petal is corresponds to other kid.

🇵🇱 Polska wersja: Mega kwiatek z dłoni dla Nauczyciela


  • Outlined, colored and cut handprints from each child in the class / group
  • Large piece of cardboard
  • Pencil
  • Scissors
  • Poster paints
  • Brush
  • Bamboo or a stick – optional, to strengthen the structure

Collecting the handprints

The first step is to collect the handprints from the children. It is always a challenge. The more that this year we have a new team, because the older daughter is already a first-grader 🙂 You can no longer ask the parents to leave their kids’ works in the cupboard in the kindergarten. Now my daughter had to collect handprints from the kids at school, so we reached the next organizational level 🙂


Stem and leaf preparation

While waiting for all the handprints you can prepare the base of the flower. On a large piece of cardboard you need to sketch the shape of the stem and leaves. Additionally make the round base for the flower head. The stem and leaves can be painted green or covered with green paper.

Once the paint is dry, cut out the shape leaving a large circle at the end of the stem for the flower head.

Connecting all elements of handprint flower

When you manage to collect all the works, move on to complete the flower head from the handprints.

First try out the layout without gluing. About 25 hands produced 3 layers of petals. Gently pick up the top layers leaving the last one. Start gluing the first and biggest layer. Then move on to the remaining layers.

In the middle you can add a circle with an inscription or a dedication. I decided on the class number.

Sticking colored hands as flower petals
Sticking colored handprints as flower petals
Sticking colored handprints as flower petals
Awesome handprint flower for the Teacher

Handprint flower for a teacher is ready!

Awesome handprint flower for the Teacher

Check out our ideas

If you are looking for more gift ideas for a teacher, go to the Teacher’s section.

If you are looking for more ideas for playing with children, then you will find them in the DIY with children section.

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