No sew TUTU skirt

The carnival season is coming. TUTU skirt works best in girls’ costumes and makes them look awesome.

The great advantage of the TUTU skirt is the ease of making and the fact that it does not require sewing, as well as the low price (assuming that you buy materials in e-shops).

The disadvantage is that after a whole day of wearing the skirt creases and before the next use you need to spend some time to bring the tulle into shape.

The kindergarten imposed a national motif, that’s why my TUTU is white and red (that are the colors of Polish flag).

An example of a TUTU in a different color can be found in the post about tiger costume or cute ghost costume.

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  • Tulle in rolls 6″ wide x 25 yards long. The number of rolls depends on the size of the skirt, for small children (2-3years) 4 rolls are enough, for older ones (4-5years) 5 rolls. I buy in Polish e-shop Allegro, but I’ve seen them here as well.
  • About 20’’ elastic band, 0,5’’ wide
  • Scissors
  • Measuring tape
Supplies for tutu skirt

Making of tulle skirt

Measure and tie the elastic band, preferably right on your model.

Tutu skirt in progress

Measure the appropriate length and cut the tulle into equal pieces. The length depends on the size of the skirt. For small children (2-3 years) 20’’ sections will be good (then 4 rolls of tulle are enough), for older (4-5 years) I recommend 30’’ (then it is better to use 5 rolls, I tried even on 6 rolls, but it was too much).

Start “mounting” the tulle on the elastic band. It’s best to put the band on a chair, so that it doesn’t move. Be careful not to stretch the band too much, because the next layers of tulle maintain the stretch and the skirt becomes too large and inflexible.

  1. Bend the tulle piece in half
  2. Hold the loop on the elastic band so that there is a loop above the elastic band
  3. Move the ends of the tulle to the top under the elastic band
  4. Pull the ends of the tulle through the loop
  5. Pull down until a nice knot is obtained
  6. Continue until the entire elastic band is full
  7. Remove from the chair and align

TUTU skirt is ready!

Tutu skirt

After a day at kindergarten, the TUTU skirt is heavily creased. Just stretch the strands of tulle with your fingers and the dress regains its previous style.

Tutu skirt after whole day at kindergarden

If you are looking for costumes based on tutu skirt check our Costume section.

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