Category: Other

Symbols of spirits from Frozen II

The symbols of spirits from Frozen II

My daughter is crazy about Frozen, so she was looking forward to the second part of the movie. Frozen II entered the cinemas just before Christmas, so when making Christmas decorations of clay, together with>>>

Seashell pendants

Seashell pendants

Do you like looking for shells on the beach, then you do not know what to do with them? If so, I have a proposition for you. Create seashell pendants and give them to your>>>

Christmas sea glass art

Christmas sea glass art

Christmas sea glass art is not only the Christmas decoration, but also a sentimental journey to holiday travels. Polished by the sea, carefully collected on the beach and selected from hundreds of stones. Some of>>>

Paw patrol clay ornaments

Paw Patrol clay ornaments

Paw Patrol clay ornaments are a real treat for young fans of the cartoon. Kids not only practice fingers and small motor skills by kneading and rolling clay. But most importantly for them, they decorate>>>

Handmade birthday card for one-year-old

Nothing is more enjoyable than getting a handmade gift, even if it is just a greeting birthday card. This is not about final result itself, but also about the fact that someone devoted his time>>>

The little plush llama

The little plush llama

After the big lama it’s time for its smaller and plush version. The little plush llama has the same shape as her bigger sister, but is made of a different material, i.e. solid minky fabric.>>>

Pebble and sea glass boats

Pebble and sea glass art

Since being a kid I was fascinated by color glass polished by the sea. I collected as if it was the greatest treasure, but my treasure never survived longer than the summer adventure. Now the>>>

Cards with butterflies

Cards with butterflies

Partially intentional, partially as a side effect of the frame with butterflies project. Personalized cards with butterflies for kindergarten employees, who our group wanted to thank for the past year. The cards went to people>>>

Frame with butterflies for a teacher

Frame with butterflies for the teacher

We are in the hot period of the end of the school year and thanking teachers for their work with our kids during the year. I would like to present you an idea for an>>>

Pom pom bunnies

Pom pom bunnies

Another idea (after chicks) to use pom poms from yarn, here come pom pom bunnies. They are quite easy to make, charming and kids love them. If you want to be up-to-date with our newest>>>